Easy Read reports

The Disability Royal Commission’s Final Report includes a summary and 12 books on specific topics. The report has 222 recommendations. The report calls for a fair Australia that supports the rights of people with disability.

You can look at the Commission’s Easy ReadA guide to the Final Report’. If you would like more information, you can look at the Easy ReadSummary and Vision for an Inclusive Australia’.

The links listed below are 12 books on specific topics. They are:

  1. Volume 1, Voices of people with disability
  2. Volume 2, About the Royal Commission 
  3. Volume 3, Different experiences of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation 
  4. Volume 4, The rights of people with disability 
  5. Volume 5, Guiding government plans 
  6. Volume 6, Using accessible services and better decision-making 
  7. Volume 7, Inclusive education, employment and housing 
  8. Volume 8, Criminal justice and people with disability 
  9. Volume 9, First Nations people with disability 
  10. Volume 10, Disability services 
  11. Volume 11, Improving ways to manage and report a problem 
  12. Volume 12, Beyond the Royal Commission 
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