Inclusive education: building parent-to-parent connections within your school community

Understanding and acceptance are fundamental pillars of a strong relationship, especially within a school community. For parents and carers of Autistic students, feeling connected, understood and supported can make the world of difference to their child’s school experience. 

And sometimes, it’s the smallest things that can make the biggest impact.

Funded by the Victorian Department of Education, a suite of video and information resources have been created to help nurture strong relationships within your school community between parents and carers of Autistic students and parents and carers of non-Autistic students. The videos feature real-life stories and perspectives from parents and carers around the importance of inclusive education as well as posters and social media images that we encourage you to download and share with your family, friends, school and community to help spread the message.

These resources are have been developed in consultation with professionals and families with and without disability in the community. We thank all the individuals and organisations who have shared their perspectives and stories throughout this project.


Supporting Autistic students and connecting with their families

Creating and navigating inclusive relationships between parents

Connecting and supporting parents and carers of Autistic children

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