
Amaze has commissioned and released Australian-first research providing insights into public attitudes towards autism and the lived experiences of Autistic people. 

Amaze aims to increase understanding and acceptance of Autistic people by the wider community. To do this, we need to understand current attitudes and behaviours towards autism amongst the general population.  

In 2017, Amaze made a significant step towards deepening this understanding with the launch of an Australian-first research study. This research study measured community attitudes towards autism and captured information about the lived experiences of Autistic people.  

Amaze commissioned the research, which culminated in two reports: Community Attitudes & Behaviours towards Autism  and  Experiences of Autistic People and their Families.. While, the Social Research Centre at the Australian National University and the Centre for Health and Social Research at the Australian Catholic University conducted the independent research. 

In 2018–19, we released the research findings in three rounds. Click the links below to read more about each issue.  

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