Media enquiries - Amaze

Media enquiries

The media plays an important role in shaping and reinforcing community understanding of, and attitudes towards, autism.

Amaze regularly works with journalists, reporters and the wider media industry to distil autism information and research, and share the stories of Autistic people and their families, to bring awareness to important issues and build greater autism understanding and acceptance.

Our Communications and Stakeholder Engagement team are readily available to support journalists and reporters working on stories about autism and Autistic people.

With in-house subject matter experts and a Neurodevelopmental Expert Panel, we are able to provide expert commentary and insight into policy issues, including assessment and diagnosis, treatment and therapies, education, employment, the NDIS, parenting, and health and mental health. We can also help connect the media with Autistic people and their families for lived-experience perspectives and insights.

For more information or to engage Amaze in a media opportunity, please follow the below contact details. 

During business hours – Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm

Phone: (03) 9657 1600.    

Email: [email protected]

After business hours – Monday to Friday, before 9am or after 4pm + Weekends

Name: David Tonge, Acting CEO & Chief Operating Officer 

Phone: (03) 9639 4955

Media kit

Cover of the media resourceMedia stories can at best improve understanding about autism and challenge misconceptions, give Autistic people and their families a platform to share their stories and experiences, and foster greater acceptance and inclusion of Autistic people. At worst, and when not done well, they can do the opposite – reinforcing myths and inaccurate stereotypes, and perpetuating negative attitudes towards autism and Autistic people.

Amaze has developed a media kit, Talking about Autism, to provide journalists and media professionals with evidence-informed information and practical advice for respectful and accurate reporting.

The resource covers:

  • What autism is
  • Best-practice principles for reporting on autism
  • Fast facts and dispelling common myths
  • Information on how to describe autism and language to use
  • Image guidelines

Talking about Autism was created in collaboration with, and informed by, the experiences of Autistic people and their families. 

We thank The Jack Brockhoff Foundation for their generous support of this initiative. 

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