Big brother Felix champions Hoodie Up and autism acceptance with artwork - Amaze

Big brother Felix champions Hoodie Up and autism acceptance with artwork

At just 11 years old, Felix Gurr has already done a power of work around autism acceptance and he has now used his artistic talent to create posters for Amaze’s annual acceptance campaign Hoodie Up.

Felix and his family, smiling and wearing hoodies outside their home

Felix has two Autistic younger brothers – Sebastian, 9, and Fletcher, 7 – and felt compelled to help educate people two years ago after witnessing the challenges they faced at school and in the community.

Since then, he has been instrumental in getting his school on board with Hoodie Up, has delivered speeches and presentations at school about inclusion and acceptance of neurodivergent people, and has lobbied his local council to do more around fostering acceptance.

“A lot of it came from my brothers – I love them so I decided to work on raising awareness at school and in the community because there wasn’t a lot happening to educate people,” Felix says.

Felix’s mum Luisa says Sebastian and Fletcher are really proud of their big brother, and are really pleased that he’s helping the wider community understand autism better.

The compassionate young man, his brothers and have taken part in Hoodie Up for the past few years, with Felix helping his school to take part and run activities on the day.Felix is smiling and holding his two posters for Hoodie Up

In the lead up to Hoodie Up each year, Felix promotes the campaign through the school press club and by personally presenting to every single class in order to help educate his peers and teachers and promote acceptance of Autistic people.

This year he produced a series of striking posters using collage techniques with educational quotes that he then donated to Amaze for use in our promotional activities.

Felix said supporting his brothers was the main reason he created the posters.

“Hoodie Up Day is a day of creating awareness and fostering acceptance for neurodiverse people. Holding Hoodie Up Day at school has helped a lot.”

Luisa said Felix’s acceptance work has made a big difference.

“Last year a young Autistic lad in Felix’s grade mentioned to his mum after Hoodie Up Day at school that he really felt he had someone standing in his corner,” Luisa says.

“It had an incredibly deep impact for at least one child but Felix also received more than 100 messages from the school community last year saying well done, it was such a great day and they were really glad he had organised it.”

Fletcher, Felix and Sebastian are wearing hoodies outside. Felix has his arms around his brothers.Felix is again running a Hoodie Up Day event at his school this year, with his posters being used front and centre to promote the activities.

Amaze thanks Felix for creating the beautiful posters and donating them to Hoodie Up and for doing so much to promote autism acceptance. Thank you Felix – you are a true ally to Autistic people and a champion for the autism community!

Download Felix’s fantastic posters to help promote your Hoodie Up Day event. There are also social media tiles, an email signature, a flier and school lesson plans available.

Find out more about how you can be involved in Hoodie Up.

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