Tips on learning from home


Top tips  

  1. Take a deep breath. This is a very challenging time for everyone, especially parents. You are not a teacher and everyone is just doing the best they can. The school is responsible for providing the work. 
  2. The school should provide additional supports for students with a disability. If you are not getting the support you need from the school, contact the Amaze Autism Advisors (details below). 
  3. Teachers (and parents) may need to make reasonable adjustments to support a child’s learning. 
  4. Teachers may need professional advice about supporting autistic children learning from home. You can direct them to contact the Amaze Autism Advisor service, Positive Partnerships, and/or the Department of Education.
  5. Use visual schedules to plan your child’s school day.
  6. Brain breaks – many autistic kids need “brain breaks” to rest during lessons. A brain break could be drawing, playing music, reading a favourite book, doing a puzzle, lying down, running around, sensory play, or anything else your child loves to do. Work out a schedule that works for your child. For example: 
    • Work – 15 minutes
    • Brain break – 10 minutes 
    • Work – 15 minutes 
    • Brain break – 10 minutes 

Top resources


Autism Advisors

If you need information and advice about autism, and how to support your child’s learning from home – contact the Autism Advisors. Open from 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.


Phone: 1300 308 699

Email: [email protected]


If you need immediate support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Parentline on 13 22 89

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