Thank you for your support - Amaze

Thank you for the compassion you show Autistic people and their families

It’s because of generous people like you that Amaze can continue to provide vital services and support to the autism community, we simply couldn’t do it with you!

If you have donated with a credit card, a tax receipt has been sent directly to your email address.
If you have not received this, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling (03) 9657 1600.

If you are donating via bank transfer, please use the details below.
Once your donation has been received, you will be issued with a receipt. 

Autism Victoria General Account
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 063 113
Account No: 00904093

On behalf of the Autistic people and their families that your gift will help, thank you for showing your commitment and support for a more autism inclusive Australia and a world in which all Autistic people can live their best lives.

Thank you again for your support.

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