DRC support and helplines - Amaze

Support and helplines

Who can I contact if I am feeling distressed (or any other emotions) about the Disability Royal Commission?  

Telling your story and sharing your ideas can be difficult.   

Free counselling and support is available to help people with disability, their families and carers and anyone affected by the Disability Royal Commission’s work.  For example, these services can provide support to anyone who: 

  • has made a submission 
  • has attended or is attending a hearing. Emotional and practical support is available.
  • has experienced mistreatment or issues connected to mistreatment 
  • is experiencing difficult feelings because of the Royal Commission. 

This video  and fact sheet [PDF, 1.2MB]  explains how counselling and support services can help you.  

You can call the National Counselling and Referral Service on 1800 421 468 and they can connect you to a counsellor. Or contact a counsellor in your local area. 

Free counselling and support services include: 

For more information, see the Disability Royal Commissions Contact and Support webpage. 

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