The Disability Royal Commission made a number of findings and recommendations on healthcare in their ‘Enabling autonomy and access’ report. It made two autism specific recommendations to:
It also made a number of findings to address the systemic neglect of people with cognitive disability (including some Autistic people) across the Australian health system. These findings were informed by evidence from Autistic people and their families and supporters.
For an Easy Read version of the Commission’s report on healthcare ‘Using accessible services and better decision-making’, visit here.
The Commission made two autism specific findings on healthcare:
The Commission’s recommendations to reform the healthcare system for people with cognitive impairment will also be of specific relevance to some Autistic people. They were strongly informed by evidence from, and about the needs of, Autistic people. These recommendations include:
To read the Commission’s final report in full on ‘Enabling autonomy and access’, visit here.
If you would like more information about these findings or recommendations or have any questions about the Commission or its report, we encourage you to contact Your Story Disability Legal Support on 1800 77 1800, online here or by email here.   We appreciate that reading this page and hearing the lived experience stories shared may raise mixed emotions and cause anxiety or distress for many people. If you, or someone you know, needs support, the following services are available.