Of the recommendations that may have specific relevance many members of the autism community, we would encourage the Australian Government to prioritise the following for immediate action.
- An Autism Healthcare Capability Framework to drive education and training of healthcare professionals.
- A National Centre for Excellence in Autism to bring together experts and drive autism health research.
- A Disability Rights Act to ensure the perspectives and voices of Autistic people and their families are at the centre of all policy and programs that impact them.
- Creating a legislative framework for proactive and positive actions towards inclusion and long-term systemic change.
- A Disability Rights Act could enshrine the National Autism Strategy in legislation.
- A National Roadmap for Safe, Quality and Inclusive Education to address the significant barriers to education experienced by Autistic students.
- Inclusive employment, with disaggregated targets to increase the proportion of Autistic employees in the public sector.
- A national housing and homelessness strategy for people with intellectual or cognitive impairment, and Autistic people.