
Amaze was excited to partner with the Victorian Parliament’s Community Engagement Unit to present the first ever Autism@VicParliament week, which ran from Monday 20 June to Friday 24 June 2022 and coincided with the 5th anniversary of the Victorian Parliament’s landmark Autism Inquiry Report.

The week began with a great turnout to our launch event on Monday, which featured speeches from:

  • Amaze’s very own Tim Arendt, Advisor, and Nicole Antonopoulous, Policy Consultant, who spoke about their lived experiences and hopes for the future. These insights helped to provide Members of Parliament (MPs) with a deeper understanding of autism and the issues impacting Victoria’s sizeable Autistic community.
  • Maree Edwards MP and Cindy McLeish MP, who were chair and deputy chair of the Victorian Parliament’s Autism Inquiry in 2017 reflected on the progress of some of the 101 recommendations; and
  • The former Minister for Disability, the Honourable Anthony Carbines MP, who cut the cake to officially launch the week.
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