Victorian State Government 2022-23 Budget Announcement

Amaze is excited to see the Change Your Reactions campaign named in Victoria’s State Budget as receiving further funding. We look forward to working with the Victorian Government to continue changing attitudes and understanding towards Autistic Victorians and creating positive social change.

The Budget also delivers considerable funding to support the mental health and wellbeing of Victorians and implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Mental Health.

As many Autistic people have co-occurring mental health conditions, it’s critical that Autistic people and their allies are able to participate in shaping the Victorian Government’s work in delivering these recommendations, and that there is a network of Autistic people with lived experience to contribute to this process.

We are also pleased to see funding for a range of areas that will support our community such as TAFE, specialist schools, and early education.

Read the release on the Victorian Premier’s website

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