Improving Victoria’s criminal justice system for Autistic people

The Victorian Parliament has released its Final Report of the Inquiry into Victoria’s criminal justice system.

Amaze has welcomed the report and its recommendations for:

  • Mandatory disability screening for all people entering remand or prison.
  • A review of police training and policies to improve police understanding of disability and the adjustment/support needs of people with disability.
  • Mandatory attendance of an Independent Third Person (specialist support) when police are interviewing a person with a cognitive disability.
  • Review and expansion of various court and prison programs currently supporting people with disability.
  • Improved delivery of victim support services for people with disability, including access to quiet or sensory rooms for victims of crime in court.
  • Improved connections to the NDIS and state based services for people exiting prison.

Amaze is pleased that some of these recommendations have been captured in Victoria’s new State Disability Plan (2022 – 2026). For example, the Plan commits to embedding disability awareness and responsiveness in the police and corrections workforces, and increasing awareness and the use of Independent Third Persons.

We are also pleased that the Plan commits to improving access to therapeutic options for women and young people with cognitive disability involved in the criminal justice system.

Read Amaze’s submission to the criminal justice inquiry.

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