There are many organisations, groups and networks that can inform and support you on your autism journey.
Autism organisations
National, State and Territory organisations

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
NSW’s peak body for autism. Includes Autism Launchpad, a resource for young people with autism and their families to help with leaving school and leading your own life.
Autism Queensland
Queensland’s peak body for autism
Autism Association of Western Australia
The West Australian peak body for autism
Autism SA
The South Australian peak body for autism
Autism Tasmania
The Tasmanian peak body for autism
Autism Northern Territory
The Northern Territory peak body for autism
Australian Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders
The national peak body (formerly The Autism Council of Australia)
Autism Awareness Australia
A national body dedicated to improving the lives of all Autistic Australians and their families.
Research organisations
- The Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC)
The Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) is Australia’s first centre dedicated to research on Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Autism CRC
Australia’s national cooperative research group, which aims to motivate, facilitate and translate collaborative autism research across the life span, underpinned by inclusive practices.
Autistic led organisations
- The ICAN Network
Mentors young autistic people to live life with an ‘I CAN’ attitude, runs professional development workshops, and campaigns to increase autism understanding.
- Yellow Ladybugs
Autistic-led organisation dedicated to the happiness, success and celebration of autistic girls and women
- Aspergers Victoria
Provides a range of services across the lifespan from kids to adults, parents and carers, professionals and employers to support discovery of strengths and empower: by Aspies, for Aspies, with Aspies.
- Different Journeys
Empowering young autistic people by providing them with a social platform that fosters an environment for them to create positive connections, feeling of inclusion, and linking families with services and support!
- Spectrum Intersections
A free peer led group for people 18 and over who identify as neurodiverse and on the LGBTIQA+ Spectrum.
- Spectrum Journeys
Supporting and educating parents and carers of autistic children.
- Aspie Rebels
An autistic-led psychosocial support group for autistic adults aged 18+
International organisations